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From Jerry's Resume'
-February 1, 2002 through May 31, 2010; Analyst-Programmer 4 for the State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game , Division of Commercial Fisheries, Southeast Alaska Region. Supervising IT team leader for six years with responsibilities for integration and testing of the platform and tools used to implement a multi-year, multi-project upgrade to the region's legacy commercial fisheries data system. The upgrade required development of a project-and-task based program of upgrades from a client-server to a web-enabled n-tier architecture. Included tools are ADFG's department-wide java language standard, open source Apache Tomcat servers and Eclipse IDEs and plug-ins. We also work with commercial Oracle application servers and databases, and with Adobe Flex 3 Builder. We use these tools to develop highly visual and highly interactive browser-based front ends for non-IT users. Our back-end DBMS is Oracle Enterprise 11G. Agile/XP methods, best practices, and Sybase Power Designer are being developed as an integrated and standardized platform to support the upgrade work with our on-staff data stakeholders and users. At present I am a Member of a technical staff of programmers/software engineers who maintain the legacy system while the upgraded system is developed, deployed, and tested. This robust and dynamic system has over 45 data management forms, over 240 data reporting formats, and millions of data records. Some data records in this system go back to the early days of Alaska statehood. The system is used as a primary data repository by non-IT fisheries research, regulatory, field tech, and administrative staffs in the southeast region. Non-confidential data is also made available to the public through a system of announcements and news-releases. Regional staff gather, maintain, and report data on the region's commercial catches, and on the health of the many commercial fish stocks within the division's statutory and treaty mandates.
- Fall, 1988 to Present.; Member, and currently Chairman, Board of Directors, Nine Star Enterprises, Inc., This is a non-profit 501c(3) corporation headquartered in Anchorage, Alaska. Operating funds are developed with state, federal, local, and private sources. Members of the Board are all volunteers who are compensated only for the travel and per diem costs associated with board service. The corporation provides adult basic education courses, ESOL and computer classes, an extensive Americorps program, and a wide variety of other community programs designed to help youthful and more mature adults in their efforts to improve their communities, and enhance their job skills. Most programs are provided in Anchorage, but the number of programs in isolated communities around the state continues to grow.
- 8/97 to 11/98. Self-employed, as owner of Northern Development Associates and Jerry's Computer Werkes . Designer and Developer - with DataKat of Phoenix (now of Boulder) - of a PC based Project, Program and Contact tracking database distributed on the Governor's statewide WAN. Project Contractor for a conversion and upgrade of a Novell LAN running on Token Ring to an NT LAN running on 10/100BASE-T hubs supporting Win95 clients. Designer and Developer - with DataKat - for a PC based data entry system and database distributed to five test sites around Alaska for the Department of Public Safety. Designer and Developer - also with DataKat - for a PC based data entry system and database for the collection of interdepartmental data on Alaska's programs for children. Designer and Developer of an NT 4.0 LAN and WEB site using VB5, and MSOFFICE 97.
- 2/93 to 8/97. Systems Administrator, Juneau Alliance for the Mentally Ill , (JAMI). Project Manager for design, development, installation, maintenance and user training for a 50 user Novell/Unix network supporting local Windows interfaces. One application designed and developed experimentally for the JAMI network distributed an ACCESS DBMS that integrated event based clinical record keeping with Medicaid billing systems. The network supported E-mail, several publication tools, several ACCESS databases, and JAMI's accounting systems.